Therapeutic Resources Blog
Life after a stroke: Fontbonne program helps patients with speech therapy
July 7, 2016
(St. Louis, MO) Aphasia is a symptom, not a disease. Often occurring after a stroke or a brain injury, aphasia means the patient has difficulty understanding or expressing language. As many as one million Americans live with some form of aphasia, according to the National Institutes for Health, and a growing body of research suggests that continued speech therapy can help people recover some of their communication skills. Read More »
As dry needling moves into physical therapy mainstream, AMA calls for a “standard of practice”
July 6, 2016
Dry needling has sparked a turf battle, pitting groups representing acupuncturists against groups representing physical therapists across the nation. Read More »
What will scrapping bursaries mean for occupational therapy students?
July 5, 2016
(England) -Bursaries for OT undergraduates are about to disappear, so university students will need to apply for loans Read More »
Alzheimer’s Disease as an Adventure in Wonderland
July 1, 2016
In her memoir “Aliceheimer’s: Alzheimer’s Through the Looking Glass,” Dana Walrath uses drawings and stories to chronicle three years of caregiving for her mother, Alice, who was in the middle stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The experience turned out to be a magical trip down the rabbit hole of memory loss, an outcome that inspired Dr. Walrath, a medical anthropologist who taught at the University of Vermont College of Medicine and who also studied art and writing, to share their tale. Read More »