Therapeutic Resources Blog

How new tools meant to help special education students take standardized tests actually made it hard Image

How new tools meant to help special education students take standardized tests actually made it hard

January 5, 2016

Last spring, Julia Kim’s students with disabilities at Fairmount Elementary in San Francisco were ready to take a new standardized test. They were excited that it had been built especially for them. In past years, students with visual perception disorders had test questions read out loud. This time, the students sat in front of their computers awaiting the new technology designed to help them complete the test on their own for the first time. But as soon as the first question appeared, students complained that the print was too small. Read More »

6 Tips To Survive The Holiday’s With Your Child With ASD or SPD Image

6 Tips To Survive The Holiday’s With Your Child With ASD or SPD

December 31, 2015

If you want to attend that upcoming event but are unsure of how to actually enjoy yourself with your child in tow, you will want to keep reading. Read More »

Rising Obesity Rates Put Strain on Nursing Homes Image

Rising Obesity Rates Put Strain on Nursing Homes

December 30, 2015

Obesity is redrawing the common imagery of old age: The slight nursing home resident is giving way to the obese senior, hampered by diabetes, disability and other weight-related ailments. Facilities that have long cared for older adults are increasingly overwhelmed — and unprepared — to care for this new group of morbidly heavy patients. Read More »

Study in twins shows fitter legs linked to slower brain aging Image

Study in twins shows fitter legs linked to slower brain aging

December 29, 2015

Muscle fitness as measured by power in the legs is strongly associated with a decreased rate of aging in the brain, according to researchers at Kings College London. The study, published Nov. 10 in the journal Gerontology, suggests simple interventions, such as increased levels of walking, targeted to improve leg power Read More »

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