Therapeutic Resources Blog

The Connection between Occupational Therapy and Drug Court Image

The Connection between Occupational Therapy and Drug Court

October 19, 2015

Learn how Occupational Therapy helps in drug addiction recovery. Read More »

When Baby Sleeps Near Mom, Guess Who Doesn’t Sleep Well? Image

When Baby Sleeps Near Mom, Guess Who Doesn’t Sleep Well?

October 16, 2015

Mothers have been warned for years that sleeping with their newborn infant is a bad idea because it increases the risk the baby might die unexpectedly during the night. But now Israeli researchers are reporting that even sleeping in the same room can have negative consequences: not for the child, but for the mother. Read More »

Your Chair Is Killing You. Here’s What You Need To Do To Stop It Image

Your Chair Is Killing You. Here’s What You Need To Do To Stop It

October 15, 2015

You've heard it a million times: The hours we spend sitting in front of our computers, sitting in front of the TV and sitting just about everywhere else are adding up. We are sitting ourselves to death. So it came as welcome news when we read last week that just 10 minutes — 10 minutes! — of walking after sitting for a long period of time can restore the damage to our vascular system. Read More »

Why It’s So Difficult to Diagnose Autism in Girls Image

Why It’s So Difficult to Diagnose Autism in Girls

October 14, 2015

Subtle, significant. In a nutshell, these two words capture the symptoms of many girls with autism. As a result, we may still be missing girls whose symptoms do not match the “prototypical” boy presentation. These challenges in recognition may also help to explain why many parents say clinicians initially dismiss their concerns about autism in their daughters. Read More »

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