Therapeutic Resources Blog

Increase In Autism Diagnoses Not An Increase In Autism Image

Increase In Autism Diagnoses Not An Increase In Autism

July 27, 2015

In news that probably surprised no one who’s been paying attention, a study out of Penn State shows that almost all of the increase in US autism diagnoses over the first decade of this century is the result of reclassification. Specifically, reclassification of children with intellectual disabilities as being autistic, instead. Read More »

Genetic Tweaks Are Restoring Hearing In Animals, Raising Hopes For People Image

Genetic Tweaks Are Restoring Hearing In Animals, Raising Hopes For People

July 24, 2015

Researchers have taken another step toward reversing deafness using gene therapy. Read More »

Some Antidepressants May Pose Increased Risk Of Birth Defects Image

Some Antidepressants May Pose Increased Risk Of Birth Defects

July 23, 2015

Some antidepressants may increase the risk of birth defects if taken early in pregnancy, while others don't seem to pose the same risks, a study finds. Read More »

Administration Proposes Rules To Modernize Nursing Home Safety Image

Administration Proposes Rules To Modernize Nursing Home Safety

July 22, 2015

After nearly 30 years, the Obama administration wants to modernize the rules nursing homes must follow to qualify for Medicare and Medicaid payments. Read More »

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