Therapeutic Resources Blog

Women’s Brains Appear More Vulnerable To Alzheimer’s Than Men’s Image

Women’s Brains Appear More Vulnerable To Alzheimer’s Than Men’s

July 30, 2015

There's new evidence suggesting that women's brains are especially vulnerable to Alzheimer's disease and other problems with memory and thinking. Read More »

Younger Adults With Alzheimer’s Are Key To Drug Search Image

Younger Adults With Alzheimer’s Are Key To Drug Search

July 29, 2015

The face of Alzheimer's isn't always old. Sometimes it belongs to someone like Giedre Cohen, who is 37, yet struggles to remember her own name. Read More »

An Artificial Limb Can Bring Hope — But Who’s Going To Make It? Image

An Artificial Limb Can Bring Hope — But Who’s Going To Make It?

July 28, 2015

Learn about the new initiative to open and schools and train clinicians in building and fitting artificial limbs in India. Read More »

Increase In Autism Diagnoses Not An Increase In Autism Image

Increase In Autism Diagnoses Not An Increase In Autism

July 27, 2015

In news that probably surprised no one who’s been paying attention, a study out of Penn State shows that almost all of the increase in US autism diagnoses over the first decade of this century is the result of reclassification. Specifically, reclassification of children with intellectual disabilities as being autistic, instead. Read More »

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