Therapeutic Resources Blog

Sugar as a Stress Reliever Image

Sugar as a Stress Reliever

April 30, 2015

Many people consume sweets in response to stress. Now researchers may have discovered why. Sugar reduces levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Read More »

Young Adults With Autism More Likely To Be Unemployed, Isolated Image

Young Adults With Autism More Likely To Be Unemployed, Isolated

April 29, 2015

Young adults with autism had lower employment rates and higher rates of complete social isolation than people with other disabilities, according to a report published Tuesday by the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute. Read More »

Physical Therapy for Infe­rtility Image

Physical Therapy for Infe­rtility

April 28, 2015

1.5-million women in the U.S. have problems with fertility, according to the latest data by the Centers for Disease Control. While many of them turn to surgery or in vitro fertilization, there is another option that doesn’t require surgery or medication.-physical therapy Read More »

Ten years of occupational therapy in Africa Image

Ten years of occupational therapy in Africa

April 27, 2015

More than 200 USC students have taken advantage of an ‘amazing journey’ that led to Ghana Read More »

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