Therapeutic Resources Blog
Chocolate compound restores age-related memory loss
November 5, 2014
The good stuff in chocolate brings not only good cheer and improved blood flow: A new study suggests it may have the power to turn back the clock on age-related memory loss. In research that will need to be replicated by larger trials, a concentrated daily dose of epicatechin, a compound derived from the cocoa bean, made a typical 60-year-old's memory perform more like that of a 30- or 40-year-old. Read More »
Scientists Implicate More Than 100 Genes In Causing Autism
November 4, 2014
The hunt to find genes that cause autism has been a long slog, one hampered by a lack of technology and families willing to be tested. But the effort is starting to pay off. Researchers at more than 50 laboratories said they had identified more than 100 genes that are mutated in children with autism, dozens more than were known before. Read More »
Parkinson’s disease: Can physical therapy help?
November 3, 2014
Researchers look into the effects of exercise and physical therapy to help treat some of the symptoms Parkinson's, a brain disorder that affects mainly older people Read More »
Tips to Make Halloween Enjoyable for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
October 31, 2014
The very things that can be so exciting to neurotypical kids—wearing the costume of a favorite character, being outside with other kids who also have on costumes, knocking on doors to ask for treats, and getting treats from every house you visit—can be anxiety producing for children with autism spectrum disorders. Read More »