Therapeutic Resources Blog

Questions About Children Who Beat Autism Image

Questions About Children Who Beat Autism

August 12, 2014

Ruth Padawer wrote about children who shed their autism symptoms in response to applied behavioral analysis. Readers of the New York Times invited to submit questions to Padawer about the article. Here are her responses... Read More »

Study: Steroid injections and physical therapy equal for treating shoulder pain Image

Study: Steroid injections and physical therapy equal for treating shoulder pain

August 11, 2014

Physical therapy and steroid injections work equally well for shoulder pain, according to a new study. Read More »

Inflexibility May Be Hardwired In Those With Autism Image

Inflexibility May Be Hardwired In Those With Autism

August 8, 2014

Kids with autism have less flexible brains, researchers say in a new study that may help explain why switching from rest to a task can be particularly difficult for those on the spectrum. Brain scans of children with autism indicate that there’s little difference in how key networks connect no matter if they’re at rest or engaged in an activity, according to findings published this week in the journal Cerebral Cortex. Read More »

Inclusive Classrooms Provide Language Boost, Study Finds Image

Inclusive Classrooms Provide Language Boost, Study Finds

August 7, 2014

For young children with disabilities, the key to mastering language may be surrounding them with their typically-developing peers, researchers say. Over the course of just one school year, a new study finds that preschoolers with disabilities who attended mainstream classes with highly-skilled peers were using language on par with their classmates without disabilities. Read More »

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