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Black Lives Matter

June 5, 2020

We are all watching these  tragic and horrific events unfold and I wanted to remind myself and all of us of the guiding principles of the BLM movement..



Black Women

Black Villages

Loving Engagement

Restorative Justice

Collective Value


Queer Affirming

Unapologetically Black

htiw  in solidarityTransgender Affirming Black Families Intergenerational  It is clear that systemic racism is getting worse. I am speechless, and horrified. Its time to be part of the solution and incorporate these values into our everyday lives. We here at TR vow to speak out against racism and violence. We stand in solidarity with fighting racism and join the black community to educate ourselves and others to fight intolerance and injustice.

Black Lives Matter

with love,

Lisa and Marilyn


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