Therapeutic Resources Blog

Scientists Are Building A Case For How Food Ads Make Us Overeat Image

Scientists Are Building A Case For How Food Ads Make Us Overeat

February 2, 2016

Why is it that we haven't seen ads for cigarettes on television since the Nixon administration? Because public health officials said the ads caused people to smoke more and raised their risk of getting cancer. And because Nixon stood up to the tobacco industry to sign legislation banning the ads to protect people from that temptation. Read More »

Speech pathologist knows firsthand of difficulties Image

Speech pathologist knows firsthand of difficulties

February 1, 2016

Jessica Clark has been in the shoes of both a patient and a parent. Clark was born unable to talk until the age of 2, according to her sister. Clark now works at Good Samaritan Hospital in Puyallup as speech pathologist Read More »

Alzheimer’s-related brain changes occur 2 decades before symptom onset Image

Alzheimer’s-related brain changes occur 2 decades before symptom onset

January 29, 2016

Inflammatory brain changes related to Alzheimer's disease may occur as many as 20 years before onset of symptoms, according to new research - a finding that could pave the way for early interventions that could halt disease development. Read More »

Follow a fracture with physical therapy Image

Follow a fracture with physical therapy

January 28, 2016

Learn how Physical Therapy can help people recover from fractures Read More »

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