Therapeutic Resources Blog
There’s a place for occupational therapy beyond councils and the NHS
February 8, 2016
Non-traditional roles in homeless hostels and charities mean OTs can use their skills to help marginalised people and prevent crises. Read More »
Pursuing the Dream of Healthy Aging
February 4, 2016
As Dr. Kirkland wrote in a new book, “Aging: The Longevity Dividend”: “By targeting fundamental aging processes, it may be possible to delay, prevent, alleviate or treat the major age-related chronic disorders as a group instead of one at a time.” Read More »
Dance Returns The ‘Joy Of Movement’ To People With Parkinson’s
February 3, 2016
If you pictured a dancer, you probably wouldn't imagine someone with Parkinson's disease. Worldwide, there are 10 million people with the progressive movement disorder, and they struggle with stiff limbs, tremors and poor balance. Read More »
Scientists Are Building A Case For How Food Ads Make Us Overeat
February 2, 2016
Why is it that we haven't seen ads for cigarettes on television since the Nixon administration? Because public health officials said the ads caused people to smoke more and raised their risk of getting cancer. And because Nixon stood up to the tobacco industry to sign legislation banning the ads to protect people from that temptation. Read More »