Therapeutic Resources Blog
New Tool for Children With Speech Errors
October 27, 2014
Researchers and speech therapists say the use of an unlikely tool—an ultrasound probe—could help children who have difficulty saying the letter “r” correctly. Instead of red, these children might say wed. Or buhd instead of bird. Read More »

Sloppy Splinting Can Make A Child’s Broken Arm Much Worse
October 24, 2014
Research from pediatric bone specialists at the University of Maryland has turned up a surprising hitch: In more than 90 percent of the children and teens studied, the fractures weren't splinted properly by the doctors or other health workers who first treated the kids in the emergency room of a community hospital or urgent care center. Read More »

Embryonic Stem Cells Restore Vision In Preliminary Human Test
October 23, 2014
Scientists are reporting the first strong evidence that human embryonic stem cells may be helping patients. The cells appear to have improved the vision in more than half of the 18 patients who had become legally blind because of two progressive, currently incurable eye diseases. Read More »

Nip the flu bug in the bud by managing stress
October 22, 2014
As the days get shorter, our thoughts turn to last year's flu and bronchitis season. The 2013-14 influenza season was particularly tough on the 25-to-64 age group, and experts say we should be prepared for a repeat performance. Is there a way to not just treat symptoms but prevent those and other illnesses in the first place? Here are the 5 most important tips for keeping your immune system in tip-top shape! Read More »